Jun 23, 2024

Getting Creative with Compliance Workshops

Getting Creative with Compliance Workshops

slide from compliance workshop
slide from compliance workshop
slide from compliance workshop

A couple months back, I organized a workshop focused on enhancing file hygiene by pinpointing outdated components following updates to Lacework's internal design system, Trellis.

During a casual pre-meeting discussion over Zoom the topic of scary movies came up — my favorite genre of film! As we chatted about our favorite scary movies, the idea hit me — a haunted house with sneaky ghosts would serve as the perfect metaphor for deprecated components hidden within Figma files.

I created a presentation deck with simple stylized ghost illustrations and set up a file with a component that had hidden errors, then asked the UX and UXR team to go "bust some ghosts!"

The post-workshop survey results are in, and it's clear — the spooky-themed activity was a success!
  • 4.5 out of 5.0 Enjoyed the workshop format

  • 5.0 out of 5.0 Understand why component compliance is important

  • 4.0 out of 4.0 Can confidently apply what I've learned in the session to their work

🏚️ Take-aways

👻 Compliance and audit training doesn’t have to be tedious.
👻 Interactive sessions and storytelling make for engaging workshops and memorable learning experiences.
👻 Inspiration can come from unlikely places, like a casual convo over Zoom.
👻 Virtual workshops are effective and convenient for distributed teams.

I'm currently available for new opportunities. Feel free to reach out.